Day 197 – Animals and nature
Day 197 - Animals and nature
After our cat died the other night, this morning we went at my grandparents, at the countryside and buried him in his final resting place, for him to be close to us forever. Because it was such a hard and sad morning I didn’t want to put a photo with his grave on my project, it would have been too sad and morbid. And I didn’t want a memory like that of Tomita. So I took a photo from a farm that was on our way back home. From this farm my family buys fresh goat or sheep cheese. This time I went to see it to and the sad day got just a bit brighter when I saw the funny goats and the adorrable baby goats that were climbing the other ones like they were mountains.
Animals have such a big impact on our lives, and most of the times its a very good and benefic one whether it’s a material one or a emotional one. But most of all we have a much bigger impact on the lives of the animals and we should learn how to respect them more.
P.S.: We’ll miss you, our fluffy Tomita! :(
Later at work I went in another room in the building and looked at the window. There I saw something like a beautiful oasis of old architecture and green garden, hidden between the gray walls of the urban buildings. For me, these things, these hidden places are like a breath of fresh air from the daily routine so that is why I kept it in my project.