Day 283 – ILiya, from train


Day 283 - ILiya, from train

I love it when life gives you new friends. On the way back home from Miercurea Ciuc to Bucharest I made a new friend in the train, his name is ILiya (hope it’s correct :) )
He’s from Bulgaria and he’s been living in Ireland for 3 years, working as a dental technician, he makes teeth.
The train trip lasted 7 hours instead or 5 so we had lots of time to talk about everything. Very nice company.
He came in Romania to meet up with Camelia…a Romanian girl that wowed him a few months ago in a trip. Hope it all turned out as he wanted, he was soo excited about her and exhausted from the loong trip.
After finaly arriving in Bucharest we both made some photos to keep a memory of a very interesting and nice 7 hours train trip…:)
