Portrait & Family
Fine Art
Pretty People
Raising My Lensbaby
365 iPhoneography
365 Project
Signs of the past
August 2012
Day 324 – Which one?
365 iPhoneography
Day 323 – Moon rise twinkles
365 iPhoneography
Day 322 – Ghost in the night
365 iPhoneography
Day 321 – Walk with me
365 iPhoneography
Day 320 – The blur before the coffee
365 iPhoneography
Day 319 – The Fridge: The best place to be
365 iPhoneography
Day 318 – A glimpse of a princess
365 iPhoneography
Day 317 – The Croc, the Heart, the Wormy and the Paw
365 iPhoneography
Signs of the past
Signs of the past
Day 316- The flying soap
365 iPhoneography
Day 315 – Flowers delivery for a new family
365 iPhoneography
Day 314 – No focus
365 iPhoneography
Day 313 – Quorra sitting pritty in the sun
365 iPhoneography
Day 312 – Mr Brocolli & Mr Carrot
365 iPhoneography
Day 311 – An infinite moment of serenity
365 iPhoneography
Day 310 – Geometry and colors
365 iPhoneography
Day 309 – The Dark side is colorful
365 iPhoneography
Day 308 – Biking somewhere over the rainbow
365 iPhoneography
Day 307 – Colorful memories
365 iPhoneography
Day 306 – Loving you
365 iPhoneography
Day 305 – Raining with tea in my cup
365 iPhoneography
Day 304 – Bella
365 iPhoneography
Day 303 – Fashion Ace
365 iPhoneography
Day 302 – Why so serious?
365 iPhoneography
Day 301 – Traces
365 iPhoneography
Day 300 – My first moussaka ever!
365 iPhoneography
Day 299 – Hanul lui Manuc
365 iPhoneography
Day 298 – DO play with your food!
365 iPhoneography
Day 297 – Taz and Zgubi
365 iPhoneography
Day 296 – Photojojo dino
365 iPhoneography
Day 295 – Cami and Teo time
365 iPhoneography
Day 294 – I’m BatCam!
365 iPhoneography